Aedes aegypti larvae (Photo credit: Alex Wild)
Circadian modulation of mosquito host-seeking persistence by Pigment-Dispersing Factor impacts daily biting patterns
Dong L, Hormigo R, Barnett JM, Greppi C, Duvall LB. (2024) Circadian modulation of mosquito host-seeking persistence by Pigment-Dispersing Factor impacts daily biting patterns.
Preprint: bioRxiv doi:
Temperature and photoperiod differentially impact maternal phenotypes in diapause egg-laying Aedes albopictus mosquitoes
Lee IH, Lee AS, Kogan HV, Dong L, Duvall LB. (2024) Temperature and photoperiod differentially impact maternal phenotypes in diapause egg-laying Aedes albopictus mosquitoes.
Preprint: bioRxiv doi:
Sex peptide receptor is not required for refractoriness to remating or induction of egg laying in Aedes aegypti
Amaro AI, Wohl MP, Pitcher S, Alfonso-Parra C, Avila FW, Paige AS, Helinski M, Duvall LB*, Harrington LC*, Wolfner MF*, McMeniman CJ*. (2024) Sex peptide receptor is not required for refractoriness to remating or induction of egg laying in Aedes aegypti. Genetics. 227(1):iyae034. PMID: 38551457 (*co-corresponding authors)
Next Generation Neuropeptide Y Receptor Small Molecule Agonists Inhibit Mosquito Biting Behavior
Zeledon EV, Baxt LA, Khan TA, Michino M, Miller M, Huggins DJ, Jiang CS, Vosshall LB, Duvall LB. (2024) Next Generation Neuropeptide Y Receptor Small Molecule Agonists Inhibit Mosquito Biting Behavior. Parasit Vectors. 2024 Jun 28;17(1):276. PMID: 38937807
Characterizing Physical Interactions between Male and Female Mosquitoes ( Aedes aegypti ) in Relation to Female Receptivity and Insemination Outcomes Using a Hydrophobic Fluorescent Dye
Cramer MM*, Gabel TM*, Duvall LB. (2023) Characterizing Physical Interactions between Male and Female Mosquitoes ( Aedes aegypti ) in Relation to Female Receptivity and Insemination Outcomes Using a Hydrophobic Fluorescent Dye. Integr. Comp. Bio. 0: 1 - 11. PMID: 37245059
Vector biology: A mosquito’s deadly kiss on the LIPS
Paige AS, Duvall LB. (2022) Vector biology: A mosquito’s deadly kiss on the LIPS. Curr. Biol. 32 (R874 - R896)
Dispatch about this paper:
Arnoldi, I., Mancini, G., Fumagalli, M., Gastaldi, D., D’Andrea, L., Bandi, C., Di Venere, M., Iadarola, P., Forneris, F., and Gabrieli, P. (2022). A salivary factor binds a cuticular protein and modulates biting by inducing morphological changes in the mosquito labrum. Curr. Biol. 32, 3493–3504. (link)
Maternally Instigated Diapause in Aedes albopictus: Coordinating Experience and Internal State for Survival in Variable Environments
Lee IH, Duvall LB. (2022) Maternally Instigated Diapause in Aedes albopictus: Coordinating Experience and Internal State for Survival in Variable Environments. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 16;(778264). PMID: 35548691
Feeding and Quantifying Animal-Derived Blood and Artificial Meals in Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes
Jové V*, Venkataraman K*, Gabel TG, Duvall LB. (2020) Feeding and Quantifying Animal-Derived Blood and Artificial Meals in Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes. J Vis Exp. Oct 22;(164). PMID: 33165316 (* equal contribution)
Mosquito host-seeking regulation: targets for behavioral control
Duvall LB. (2019) Mosquito host-seeking regulation: targets for behavioral control Trends in Parasitology. 35(9):704-714. PMID: 31326312
Duvall LB, Ramos-Espiritu L, Barsoum KE, Glickman JF, Vosshall LB. (2019) Small-Molecule Agonists of Ae. aegypti Neuropeptide Y Receptor Block Mosquito Biting. Cell. 176(4): 687-701. PMID: 30735632
[Pre-print: bioRxiv 393793; doi: (2018)]
A natural variant and engineered mutation in a GPCR promote DEET resistance in C. elegans.
Dennis EJ, Dobosiewicz M, Jin X, Duvall LB, Hartman PS, Bargmann CI, Vosshall LB. (2018) A natural variant and engineered mutation in a GPCR promote DEET resistance in C. elegans. Nature. 562(7725):119-123. PMID: 30258230
A peptide signaling system that rapidly enforces paternity in the Aedes aegypti mosquito.
Duvall LB, Basrur NS, Molina H, McMeniman CJ, Vosshall LB. (2017) A peptide signaling system that rapidly enforces paternity in the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Curr Biol. 27(23):3734-3742. PMID: 29174895
Functional PDF Signaling in the Drosophila Circadian Neural Circuit is Gated by Ral A-Dependent Modulation
Klose M*, Duvall LB*, Li W*, Liang X, Steinbach JH, Taghert PH. (2016) Functional PDF signaling in the Drosophila circadian neural circuit is gated by Ral A-dependent modulation of GPCR sensitivity. Neuron. 90:781-794. PMID: 27161526 (* equal contribution)
E and M circadian pacemaker neurons use different PDF receptor signalosome components in Drosophila.
Duvall LB, Taghert PH. (2013) E and M circadian pacemaker neurons use different
PDF receptor signalosome components in Drosophila. J Biol Rhythms. 28:239-248.
PMID: 23929551
The circadian neuropeptide PDF signals preferentially through a specific adenylate cyclase isoform AC3 in M pacemakers of Drosophila.
Duvall LB, Taghert PH. (2012) The circadian neuropeptide PDF signals preferentially through a specific adenylate cyclase isoform AC3 in M pacemakers of Drosophila. PLoS Biol. e1001337. PMID: 22679392
Circadian Rhythms: Biological Clocks Work in Phospho-Time
Duvall LB, Taghert PH. (2011) Circadian rhythms: biological clocks work in
phospho-time. Current Biology. 21:R305-R3077. PMID: 21549947.